University Advisory Board

The University Advisory Board of the CARRS Center consists of departmental and university leaders in clinical and translational mental health research who can help promote the overall goals of the Center. This board meets twice a year and helps CARRS researchers take full advantage of the resources available through the University of Pittsburgh. The members of this board are listed below.

Anthony Grace, PhD, Distinguished Professor of Neuroscience; and Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology.  Dr. Grace has performed pioneering work in the study of dopaminergic transmission within cortico-limbic circuitry.  He continues to be a world leader in the neurobiology of substance use disorders (SUD) and he advises CARRS investigators on measures of neuronal circuit function and activity. 

Cecile D. Ladouceur, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Psychology. Dr. Ladouceur brings expertise in the neuro-development of emotion, including reward and control systems, during adolescence. She has collaborated with CARRS investigators on fMRI studies of reward in adolescence. She advises on adolescent development, reward, and neuroimaging.  

David A. Lewis, MD, Distinguished Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience; and Chair, Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Lewis has extensive experience running a National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research centers including a current Conte Neuroscience Center. Dr. Lewis helps integrate Center activities with research, training, and educational opportunities in the Department of Psychiatry.

Stephen Meriney, PhD, Professor and Chair of Neuroscience; Professor of Psychiatry; and Co-Director, Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP). Dr. Meriney’s research program focuses on studying mechanisms that control synaptic plasticity in the nervous system. Dr. Meriney helps to integrate Center activities with research, training, and educational opportunities in the Department of Psychiatry.

Kathryn A. Roecklein, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychology. Dr. Roecklein's research program focuses on studying Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) as well as Circadian Biology, Sleep and Behavioral Genetics. She helps integrate the Center with research, training, and educational opportunities in the Department of Psychology. 

Antoine Douaihy, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine. Dr. Douaihy studies addiction, the psychology of behavior change, and psychosocial treatments for addiction. He has explored using multidisciplinary and long-term approaches to treat to treat opioid addiction, including the use of behavioral therapies, psychoeducation, family interventions, medication-assisted treatments. He also serves as a member of Pennsylvania's medical marijuana advisory board.  

Peter Strick, PhD, Distinguished Professor and Chair of Neurobiology; Co-Director, Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh (CNUP); and Scientific Director, University of Pittsburgh Brain Institute (UPBI). Dr. Strick has many years of experience running large innovative research centers at Pitt. He helps the CARRS Center collaborate with the UPBI and Department of Neurobiology.