Meredith Wallace, PhD

Lead, Core C

Dr. Wallace is the Leader of Core C of CARRS. She received her PhD in biostatistics from the University of Pittsburgh in 2009. She became a member of the University of Pittsburgh faculty in the psychiatry department in 2013. She is currently an associate professor of psychiatry, biostatistics, and statistics at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research focuses broadly on developing and applying cutting-edge clustering and machine learning to examine how multidimensional and multimodal data predict mental and physical health outcomes. She currently has R01 support from the National Institute on Aging to develop a large, harmonized database including multiple sleep cohorts of older adults. Dr. Wallace is also a statistical co-investigator on numerous grants with varied data types (e.g. neuroimaging, ecological momentary assessment, physiological responses, actigraphy) and applications (e.g., substance use, post-partum weight gain, sleep, and depression), providing an endless stream of interesting statistical questions to investigate.